APKUpdater APK


by Rumboalla
5.0/5 (1 rating)

an easy tool to update your apps and games.



APKUpdater screenshot 1
APKUpdater screenshot 2
APKUpdater screenshot 3
APKUpdater screenshot 4

More about APKUpdater

APKUpdater app is a tool that simplifies the process of finding updates for your installed APK app not supported by Google Play Store. It provides similar functionality to an app store. Making it very useful for those who want thier phone without Google Play. All you need is a third-party app update source.

You can easily update using the AndroidAPKSFree app store as a source to update using the APKUpdater. So in short this app works like an APK files manager. Allowing you to update all your APK installed android apps in a single go. Rather than updating them individually and manually.

Download APKUpdater if you install alot of APK files

When it comes to handling APK installed apps life can be slow and difficult. You have to work and focus on every APK app individually but not when you have the APKUpdater. Use this app to batch install APK files and update them later with ease. If you have a lot of apps installed then life can become a hassle.

You can search APK files on your mobile by name and with ease which speeds up the updating and uninstalling process. APKUpdater displays notifications when updates are found. Thus keeping you on track with the latest APK updates from your sourced app store. Your apps will be updated as soon as the updates are released.

APKUpdater has a very easy to use but not a very swanky user interface. But it does get the job done. The first tab shows you all the apps installed on your phone with an ignore button in front of each tab. The second one shows all the updates for each app with an install button to update it.

Then comes the search button to search for apps and the settings tab. Here you can change the skin colors or enable or disable app update checks. Download the APKUpdater by clicking on the download button. Let us know if you liked the app by rating it and commenting below.

Category: Tools
Operating System: Android
Price: Free

Technical file information

  • Package name:
  • Version:
    3.0.2 (51)
  • File size:
    2.7 MB
  • Updated:
    November 6, 2023
  • Minimum Android version:
    Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API 21)
  • Screen DPI:
  • Architecture:
  • MD5:
  • SHA1:

Older Versions of APKUpdater:

What's new in this version of APKUpdater?
  • New Feature: Ignore specific app versions on Updates screen.
  • New Source GitLab: Updates and Search available. Apps supported: Aurora
  • New translations: Burmese, Malay.
  • Updated translations: Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, German.
  • GitHub source: Added sdmaid, spotube, trackworktime
  • Scheduled update checks will now happen between 0 and 59 mins from the selected hour. This should ease traffic spikes.
  • Fix: Improve error handling of install.


1 rating

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